Stephen Cardot
As founder, CEO, and president of CloudCover – an automated, algorithmic intelligence based, AI-driven cybersecurity platform – Stephen's personal mission is the same as his company: To bring certainty back to an uncertain world. He has been involved in eliminating online risk since the early 1990s. In the early days, the internet was brand new, hard to explain, and already ripe for cyberattacks. He created the first online banking project solution for a regional bank in Florida, developing and advancing never-before-seen technology to address and deliver truly effective security for data in transit. Through authoring numerous data insurance and blockchain patents and identifying leading-edge technology, he has been working hard to secure and protect network data ever since – executing complex business technology projects, navigating a broad array of start-up environments, and leading the acquisition and merger of the technology that’s foundational to CloudCover. In conversations with countless CISOs, he hears the same sentiment: When it comes to network security, system failure – and therefore company and brand risk – is inevitable. Cyberattacks are getting more sophisticated. More complicated. More frequent. He also knows there are plenty of cybersecurity companies out there who make claims they can’t back up. Overpromising. Underdelivering. CloudCover offers a smarter way forward. A good night’s sleep for CISO’s. A world with #NoMoreHacking – when we have the right pieces in our cybersecurity toolkit. The transformative, AI-driven CC/B1 platform proactively detects and eliminates threats and risks at the TLS packet handshake at microsecond speed, with zero-trust accuracy. The product-agnostic platform extends to all edges of your company’s network, augmenting and filling gaps to provide an extra-smart layer of protection. In addition to work at CloudCover, he is also engaged in numerous cybersecurity initiatives, including active membership in Stanford University’s Global Program Center, Disruptive Technology Program; a Senior Sponsor Member of the Rochester Institute of Technology’s cybersecurity education initiatives, including the RIT SAFE Labs; and he is an active member of the renown SINETConnect.